Wednesday, December 2, 2009

I wanna laugh!

No ntnz changed over the past few dayz! Only I have begun seeing it!

The coccoon…am stepping out of it! The sunshine is new for this new ethereal body … but it doesn’t hurt so much!

Or am ok taking the hurt! Am growing stronger!

I think!

I might be totally wrong .. for I alwez have surprised myself! For all I know .. the next moment .. am trashed!

But there is some new sunshine!
The rockz aren’t as barren..
and yet what’z grown on them ..
bearz characteristics of what was!

Some lessons forgotten..
well... they come back at the right time!

And yet… they don’t transfix me!
They just surprise me!
But they don’t shock me..
They don’t force me to move the ball to a different court!
I don’t change a thing…
Its only addz up!

Ah now I see..
What many must have seen ahead of me.. or will see after me!

I now see ... why people accept life just the way it iz!
Aaahh!! And so that’s y…

After all… it is your own life!
Well! So be it…and wish the best!


Why am I writing this then?
Such a simple thing after all!!

For those who wonder so…

Each step that I take
I promise
Is my own

As I see myself traversing diff paths
Traveling those .. that otherz have chose
I have begun
Mingling mine with theirs

And yet at each step..
I know .. its my own

THATS new to me
The dawn
The dusk

No .. am sure I have done this all my life
And more!

But in that particular world
Where only you exist
And the world exists …only because you exist

The world I know.. when my eyes close finally
Will close down too

When I slip into sleep into a dark slumber
And my memory fades and fails
And so shall I then fail this world and let it fade

When my consciousness will refuse to awake
When it shall go on .. journey the fourth dimension
And not look back

When my body and mind
Will fail and fade…

And till its doesn’t .. the world that exists…

In THAT… world of my own
THIS is new to me

But still… why am I writing this?

Haven’t I alwez traveled inwardz?

I have
That’s not new

But what’s new
Are the inner layerz
That have opened into me!

Like a lotus
A thousand petals!

I smile!

I have a reason now.. to laugh at it!

Why? I just got a new inside!


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