Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Where art thou..in me?

I cleared the cobwebz
I cleared my mind..
the ‘since forever’ tenants in there..
the childhood memories…
The time I carried in a sand clock…
I have let the sand slip..
And I have watched the waves recede…
And let them
Wash me away too

Salted tears
Made of sweet memories
Some sour memoirs

Fallen leaves
Scattered petals
Blushing, warm winds
Grey skies

Two long braids
And friends
Pulling at them

Warm handshakes
Coffee cuppas
Cold milkshakes
Breezy hugs
Strawberry lippers
Each one…
I have hugged and
Said goodbye
Watched them fade
Blur into colours

Some smiling
Some waving
I have simply
let them fade
and with them
their voices
and memories

I embraced
The pain
That came along
But smiled with love
At each passing
With tears in my eyes
I waved my goodbyes

Just which category though, do u fall into?