Tuesday, July 28, 2009

first impressionz!

out of the blue..
white foam..
distances dissolve..

am sitting on the rocky steps
rubbing sand in my hands
trying to feel that am finally there..
with the stranger
my feet longed to lag
on the sand
but i satwith him
watching the sea
so vast
so dear

soon it was dark
yet i sat on the rock
straining to hear...the waves crashing
yet all i could listen to
was him

it was a new place
i had never been there
my fingers itched to draw a name on the sand..
at a familiar site..and watch if the waves would spill
but he went on ...
on his journey..
back in time
and i ...with him
and my eyes watched
out of the blue
the white foam...
the distances dissolve

he with dark brown eyes
mine black
our gaze met
only a few times
two different lives had come together
not by chance but by destiny
yet each wanted something else out of the other
but as we watched..
out of the blue
the white foam
the distances dissolved

i was angry
i did not get
what i thought i wanted
the waves didn't wash my feet
my clothes did not wet...
the sea water
i could not pick up the sea shells and choose the best
no time to buy the lil' souveniers i had promised...
back home

yet i went on with him
listening to him...
his life
and journeyed into the future

we watched together..
14 sea stations...
over the horizon
tiny lights
dots of hope

i felt nothing then
just peace
i said nothing then
just murmered

but as i write
my eyes are wet
my voice .. chokedwith gratitude
to the stranger...his soul
for nothing special...
he had nothing for me
but just for being there
for making me sit on that rock and listen
and not talk
for making me speechless
about myself
for letting me completely forget myself
my ego..had dissolved

and out of the blue
as the white foam
i saw something new
a new horizon

thank u.. stranger!


Unknown said...

hmmmmm...whoz the stranger?

Shalini said...

dat was for ma jiju.. ;)